It REALLY ANNOYS ME (and many times, ANGERS me) when so-called "liberals", or "progressives"(or, whatever's the new, hip "I'm cool because I'm with this group" label) tend to ignore their blatant hypocrisy, on social issues. I used to be with that "group" and label myself as "liberal", or "progressive", or blah, blah, blah. The difference is, I'm constantly transcending beyond certain boxes/groups. The older I became, the more I saw the detriment of "group think".
"Group Think" can be cool in many ways, because you share a mental/emotional bond with a particular 'group'. This bond is caused by many factors, including: socio-economic/ political/historical references....gender....cultural idiosyncrasies, etc. But, this bond can also entrap you into viewing the world through the lens of your "group". Even if you know your group may be wrong on certain issues.....your ego (and the group) basically tells you to shut the hell up & support their cause. You---Mr., or, Ms. Robot----must agree with everything the group says. Well, I can't do that. In order for me to grow as a person, I'm very self-critical. Sometimes, I need to ease-up on over-criticizing/over-analyzing myself. Nonetheless, I'm very self-aware. With that said, I'm also critical of the "groups" I've identified with; since I've been "socialized".
It was during the 2008 U.S. Presidential primaries, I realized how much people will die, defending the "group think". I should know----I was part of the group think, damning ANYONE who criticized Barack Obama. How DARE they. He's the underdog!! He's gonna change the world!! HE'S A BLACK MAN ( raised by his white mother and white grandparents, in Indonesia and Hawaii-----but, whatever!! ). Furthermore, he didn't marry a fair-skinned, or light-skinned woman! Her skin is dark----like my Mama!! Okay......he, also mimics the vocal inflection of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and has a great smile! Oh----he must be "down with the people!". I mean, after all----he's young, fresh, hip.....he told us he's gonna change the world!! Let's vote for a darker face, in office!! What!? What are his policies, you ask? I don't care about all that.....I just want to be the person to vote for the "first", Black, U.S. President!
I only voted for Obama, during the U.S. primaries (early 2008). I did not vote for Obama in the Presidential elections of 2008, or 2012. Most of these fake-ass "liberals" (especially in New York City) voted for Hillary Clinton.....NOT Obama. Only 40% of New Yorkers wanted Obama. I remember this, as clear as my name. And this is NEW YORK!!! The majority of Californians voted for Hillary, also. This doesn't mean I support Hillary, either. I don't believe in the illusion of the 2-party system. However, mysteriously enough (just like George W. Bush and his shady SELECTION ) Obama was nominated by "super delegates"....and viola! He's the Democratic candidate. I saw his proposed policies and actions were going the way of George W. Bush....while pretending to do otherwise. This dude received a Nobel Peace Prize!! WHAT THE HELL!!? He gets an advanced Nobel Peace Prize (2009)....and he did NOTHING to earn that. Are you kidding me!!? You're gonna tell me his "first Black President" status had nothing to do, with that? His bombing Libya (and other countries) spying on signing a law which strips your rights and allows the U.S. militia to pull your ass into their custody and do what they will WITHOUT due process.... his stance on illegal his deal w/ health insurance companies....he confirmed everything I predicted. But, of course, Black Americans and liberals/progressives/robots/"group thinkers" will argue with me---if they saw me breaking from my perceived "group". How DARE you attack, or question the Messiah and his policies!! He's trying to do the best he can, but the Republicans keep messing with him!! Poor Obama! Now, if George Bush (Sr., and Jr.) implemented the policies of Obama-----we'd have SO many protests, about the injustices of Bush. But, with Obama, all of the "group thinkers" are quiet. Obama gets a pass. He's the first "Black" President! Sshhhh, don't say anything!! I thought injustice is injustice. Tyranny is tyranny. A traitor is a traitor. A corporate whore is a corporate whore----no matter the skin color. You should be consistently outraged, despite your infatuation. It's like a marriage, or relationship. Don't fool yourself, if you think your spouse is unfaithful. Don't fool yourself, and try to believe the illusion you both created----during your first year, together. But, hey----that's just me. I'm equally pissed w/ the Michael Sam hoopla.
Media whore----oh, I mean, Michael Sam----"announces" his homosexuality, before the NFL draft. "THE FIRST, OPENLY GAY, NFL PLAYER!!", reads the headlines. He makes the cover of a bunch of newspapers, magazines.....lands interviews with major tv shows, etc. Guess what!!? He's such an AVERAGE player, he barely makes the NFL draft and he isn't even good enough for 2nd string. He's cut from the Rams. But, because he's the FIRST, OPENLY GAY, NFL PLAYER, the Dallas Cowboys wants to recruit him on their "practice squad". Isn't that crazy? How does it feel to know many average guys (with big dreams) were cut from the NFL.....only to be replaced by Michael Sam!? How does someone CLEARLY suck (no pun intended) in his/her performance......yet, he continues to get chances!!? WHAT!! What job does that!? This is CLEARLY biased, discrimination, etc. But, oh----if you put "He's the FIRST such & such...." "She's the FIRST such & such...." and have big money sponsors keep him/her in heavy media rotation......then, that person gets a pass & never mind judging him/her solely on their performance. I guarantee you, if Media Whore---I mean, Michael Sam---would've never conveniently announced his sexuality (before the NFL draft) would never know who he was. He would've faded into obscurity. The same, for Jason Collins.
I don't follow basketball, that much......but, I do know Jason Collins is NOT a household name, like Shaquille O'Neal......or, Michael Jordan......or, Lebron James, etc. He was a Washington Wizards basketball player whom no one really gave a shit about, until he announced his sexuality. What happens next? Well, he gets the cover of NewsWeek magazine! Oprah interviews him! And, Barack Obama has free time (from his busy schedule) to CALL Jason! So.....Obama dodges issues concerning black communities across the U.S.A., but he has time to call Jason Collins!!? ENOUGH, ALREADY!! ENOUGH of the "But he/she is the FIRST and therefore, we must support his/her ridiculousness!" No we don't. At least I don't. And I won't. I understand the imaging and media machine is so seductive. However, I cannot fall into the trappings of "group think". It's too unfair.....and biased. And I suggest others do the same.