I'm THOROUGHLY DISGUSTED by a new devious agenda of the global elite. NYC Mayor DeBlasio signed an EXECUTIVE ORDER (just like his buddy Obama) giving men who "identify" as women..,LAWFUL PROTECTION to follow a woman into any city-owned parks, recreation centers and LOCKER ROOMS (ie; showers, changing) and say "I identify as a woman" and vice-versa. So, me, a 6'5" male, can enter city-owned women's locker rooms, showers, bathrooms (and vice versa, for women) and say "I'm a woman". This hippie/liberal bullshit has gone TOO FAR!!. I'M ASSUMING PUBLIC SCHOOL TEENAGERS CAN DO THE SAME THING, NOW.
I was engaged in a heated debate in March, 2014, with other teachers in Brooklyn, NY. I said the landmark case in California (where 2 hippie parents labeled their son "transgender" WTF!? A 5 YEAR-OLD!?) would open the floodgates. The brainwash continues.