Oh Camp, I Will Miss Thee....

So, I just completed 8 weeks (2 months) as a Lead Counselor, Assistant Specialist & Bus Leader.....at a private, summer day camp.   I really, really enjoyed this experience.  It's semi-weird saying this, because there were times I was highly annoyed & pissed-off.  But, something told me to just hang in there.  Even in the beginning, I felt this would be such a great opportunity to try something new and different.  I was a Cabin Leader for 2 nights, in Taconic State Park (upstate New York, 2009).....but, nothing like this.

Despite the heat wave of the first two weeks in July.....despite the utter chaos of the first week's bus schedule....despite all the annoying requests from parents (and one, particular parent who was REALLY annoying, passive-aggressive and OCD).....despite all the allergy freak-outs, swim routine craziness, AND THE MADNESS OF LUNCH TIME......I really loved my summer camp experience.  And I truly enjoyed all of my counselor/co-workers.  Yeah, we fussed, got on each other's nerves & were bitchy at times.....but, we always looked-out for each other, our humor was sick & politically-incorrect (my favorite kind)----and we could be very nerdy.  The genuine energy of our camaraderie, goofiness, and respect for one another translated perfectly, to our campers (all 32 of them).  Our boys were all so precocious, and funny as hell.  Sometimes I would just marvel at the sharp humor and intelligence of these 6 and 7 year-old boys.  But, every now and then we were reminded of their vulnerability and age.  My temporary, week-long separation from the group (I was promoted to Head Counselor, by the Camp Director) showed how much of a bond we all shared.  Once I requested to return to my group, it was such a relief.  Hahaha.  VOLTRON REUNITED!! 

Even my bus trip was crazy.   Sometimes the bus ride could be very annoying....but, we were so energetic and funny.  We'd sing along to the same, awful 10 songs; played on pop radio.   The synergy I had with my bus driver and bus counselor was great.  We could always make a joke about a situation which could be a potential disaster.  Or, I'd speak in my bad Spanish to make a comment about someone.  HAHAHAHAA.  Oh, camp.....I will miss thee.

Swinging, like Tarzan!


Chasing the bus......
